About Easy Pickleball Guide

Welcome to EasyPickleballGuide.com, your one-stop destination for everything related to Pickleball. We review paddles, balls, accessories, brands and other essentials for your game.

We also create advanced pickleball guides, tip pages, and anything related to your game.

Our Mission

Our mission at EasyPickleballGuide.com is to help a million players, play better, learn new techniques and other fun things.

We aim to fulfill our mission by writing extensive buying guides for many niche situations. By creating advanced guides around techniques, where to play, how often you should play, and the best equipment the industry can offer for all Pickleball players.

Our Story

EasyPickleballGuide.com was born out of a personal struggle faced by our founder, Lila Cook.

When Lila started playing years ago, she noticed that players had many questions, ranging from the rules to what type of sneakers to wear.

So, she set out to find answers to these questions and discovered that there wasn’t a single site with all the information she needed.

It would either be e-commerce site or sites with articles that would be difficult to read or understand. Pickleball should be simple.

After all, one of the reason people gets involved. It’s not costly as a sport go and very little rules and regulations to follow.

She found herself navigating through a lack of information. The journey to find a suitable source/information was long and arduous, but it led Lila to a realization: there needed to be a reliable and trustworthy resources for pickleball players facing similar challenges

Our Responsibility

At EasyPickleballGuide.com, we believe in maintaining the highest standards of editorial integrity. Our guiding principle is to put the quality of information first.

👉 We focus on evidence-based content. All our claims are backed by scientific literature that is duly quoted in each article.

👉 We use subject matter experts to write or edit/review all our content

👉 We only use the highest quality sources to research our content

👉 We regularly revisit and update our pages with the latest information.

We utilize affiliate marketing to fund our operations, but commissions never influence our recommendations. We also maintain a strict policy against accepting sponsorships to avoid any conflicts of interest.

Learn about how we select products featured on this site

Our commitment extends beyond providing quality pet nutrition information. We are dedicated to ethical practices, including animal welfare and environmental conservation.

We avoid brands associated with animal cruelty and consider the carbon footprint of food items in our reviews. We believe in making a difference, one dog meal at a time.

What to do now?

If you are here it means you too are looking to improve your dog’s nutrition either for health or to make your best friend happier.

The good news is, we have prepared everything to help you achieve that so from here you can either:

We hope you enjoy the content we worked so hard to put together, and if you have any suggestions to make this site better, we’d love to hear them!